Perhaps the members of the 111th Congress have started to read some of their own legislation that has been proposed, passed and thrust upon the American people. There have been more politicians retire in the last few month than the golf courses they frequent.
News came just yesterday of Arkansas Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder deciding to “retire” after 7 terms. He joins a handful of other prominent Democrats to announce similar plans.
There are those that see this as a wonderful windfall for the Republicans, of which I would say, my heart wouldn’t be broken if the majority of them choose to retire. The challenge comes for us conservatives. If incumbents choose not to run my fear is that the people will let their guard down. They will go back to “siding” with their perspective party and not “vetting” the candidate properly.
This would be a catastrophe! Take for instance Vic Snyder’s seat, if the democrats find a purple dog (my new term for blue dogs because they try and look so red)to run then that person does not particularly “own” the mess we are in. Now voters are, in my opinion, susceptible to false rhetoric once again. "You know… I am for change…blah… I am conservative…blah… I am for the people of Arkansas, blah blah blah." When what they really mean is- "I want this seat so badly I will say whatever I have to, to get elected and hopefully no one will challenge me on it."
One long time Arkansas Commentator says he would not be surprises if this entourage of “retirees” is soon the resting place of Sen. Blanche Lincoln. And why not, she has a retirement, health care benefits and I am sure a wonderful job waiting in the wings, perhaps even in the West Wing.
My hope and prayer is that the people of Arkansas will NOT let their guard down for even a second! I encourage us all to continue to ask questions, write letters, send faxes and truly scrutinize the next group of legislators we choose to serve, "serve" being the key word. If we once again ignore our due diligence then one would have to wonder just how much of “enough” we truly have had.