You’ve heard the question:“How do you eat an elephant? Answer: “One bite at a time.”
Well that’s what I think of when defeating health care and the myriad other ultra radical political agendas we are facing here in America. There’s no way with one election, or one law, or even with a single ballot initiative we are going to obliterate this mess. However we can slowly and steadily turn our ship by making one right decision after the other.
I’ve received numerous messages and comments about supposedly being “pro” Scott Brown in the U.S. senatorial race of Massachusetts that takes place tomorrow. Comments like: “You’re not a real conservative”or “You’re compromising your values”, or my favorite: “How can you encourage people to vote for a rhino?”
My answer is simple enough. What’s the objective? If the objective is to elect an ultra-conservative Senator in historically liberal, heavily Democratic Massachusetts, then we could wait until our country has national health care, we are completely unionized and hell freezes over. You can’t ignore the reality that in 84 years, Massachusetts has had only 5 republicans elected to ANY Senate seat. For me, the immediate and pressing objective is to plug the sinking ship. If there is a leak in your boat do you really care if the color of the finger pluggin’ the hole is blue, red or purple? The choice here is limited between a progressive and one who’s a long way from that.
Why don’t we take a realistic look at how to change our nation’s direction and stop with all the “absolute,” all-or-nothing, completely perfect candidate declarations that got us here in the first place. There’s just no way that Massachusetts is going to elect a conservative republican to their U.S Senate right now. But Brown’s election would send a powerful message to those seeking to hurriedly convert our nation into a socialized vessel with a compass pointing south.
For all those purists, if Coakley is elected because people refuse to vote for Brown being their conscience just won’t allow them to, how many abortions do you think our tax dollars will wind up paying for over the years once Coakley is elected and Obama Care passes?
To return the country we love to a place where individual liberties, personal freedoms, free enterprise and limited government are a reality we have to begin fighting the individual battle at hand - and stop projecting the entire war. We have to alter our thinking and remind ourselves that America is a nation of free ideas and thinking individuals with a wide variety of beliefs and convictions. I believe we should concentrate on changing our own homes and communities to reflect our deepest and truest beliefs then work diligently to find individuals who will honestly and conscientiously represent the people they are elected to serve.
Until that time we are left to consume the elephant we have standing before us one bite at a time, or we will surely all wind up trampled.