Where do the candidates you are voting for stand on the issues? Think it’s not important? You might want to think again?
Only 64 days until the Bush Tax Cuts expire, what will it cost you? Calculate here.
Cap-N-Trade is waiting in the wings for the newly elected to decide on when the settle into Washington, what will that cost you? Calculate here.
There’s a lot of talk going on about tax cuts. I think Barbara Wallis of Bald Knob, AR summed the rhetoric up pretty good in her letter to the editor of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette yesterday (Oct 27th)~
“I am a little confused about the tax cuts set to expire on Dec. 31. I know they were implemented by President George W. Bush 10 years ago during a Republican administration.
The Democrats have always said that the tax cuts were for the wealthy friends of the Republicans. Of course, the Republicans denied this, saying all citizens received them.
Now the Democrats are saying they might be willing to continue the tax cuts beyond Dec. 31 for middle- and low-income families. How is it possible to continue tax cuts to these folks when the Democrats have claimed all along that they didn’t get them? Just wondering.”
In just 5 days Americans will decide the complexion of law makers in our states and nation.
In the 2010 Primary election in Arkansas only 16% of registered voters bothered to take part in the process. The county with the largest turnout was Stone County with a whopping 44% (tongue firmly planted in cheek) and numbers tumbled from there, no other county had more than 35% and some in the single digits, Benton County being the smallest turnout with just 5% of her citizens
I hope and pray the adage “Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote.” Is not our reflective thought on November 3rd.
Michael Yost, Executive Director of American Majority Minnesota posted: MAKE THOSE PHONE CALLS AND KNOCK ON THOSE DOORS! Which if applied correctly will prove to push some wonderful conservative candidates over the top in the next 4 days. There is STILL time for you to make a difference for ARKANSAS~ there are GREAT conservative candidates that need YOU!! Some of these races are so close that just a few votes will matter! Call the candidates offices and see what you can do to help TODAY! CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU!