Today is the last day to register to vote in the Arkansas Primary, May 18th. Here is what is at stake-
2 Arkansas Supreme Seats
1 US. Senate Seat
4 US Congressional Seats
To many to list Arkansas Representative seats
Myriad tax increases, ballot initiatives and referendums across the state
Please take the time to register today if you are not TODAY!
Then make it a point to preview your ballot BEFORE you go to the polls. All county clerk offices will have ballots available for each precinct to view (some are even on line). Encourage others to do the same. Then get the message out!- Spread the word far and wide what appears on your ballot. Take the time to find out the facts of what is being asked of the voters-
For instance in Farmington, AR voters will be asked to pass a 1 cent sales tax to build a $2.4 million sports complex which the voters have already voted down. My belief is, if you consider yourself a TEA Party person or a conservative, voter integrity would insist you vote against tax increases, expansions of government and any candidate who has been a party to either, just sayin.
If you really want to make a difference, stand up for limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets~ VOTE and vote with integrity!