I recently attended an event where David Barton of Wall Builders was the guest speaker. I can tell you that I came away from that meeting both encouraged and greatly annoyed. Encouraged because I finally had acquired some much-needed facts and annoyed because I had not done my own due diligence in educating myself on some of our nation’s fundamental truths.
I encourage you to head for this website and read for yourself the information that Dr. Barton has amassed fully documented facts of how our history has been “deconstructed.” His compelling presentation was chock-full of amazing information. One fact I found most interesting is one I can see repeating itself today. It is the way our Civil War actually began. Barton starts his page on this issue: Confronting Civil War Revisionism: Why the South Went To War:
The rewriting of history in any area is possible only if: (1) the public does not know enough about specific events to object when a wrong view is introduced; or (2) the discovery of previously unknown historical material brings to light new facts that require a correction of the previous view. However, historical revisionism – the rewriting “of an accepted, usually long-standing view… especially a revision of historical events and movements” 1 – is successful only through the first means.
This is why I get annoyed, because even in my desire and passion to make real change, I have not done all that’s needed to truly know what I fight for today. His message and facts have convicted me, once again, to read and study even more.
Bartons’ research and documentation shows a much different picture than what I was taught in school and what, as an adult, I had read and considered (and assumed) to be truth. I was under the impression that the Civil War was between the North and the South over state’s rights and that the south was acting in an honorable way to preserve Stateism. I had read books, obviously with an agenda, that had presented this as fact in words (of course without proper documentation). As a Southerner, this helped ease my conscious that my forefathers had not been the bigoted slave owners perpetuated by a different history.
What I found out last week is that really neither account is true. Barton explains (and shows) how the war was actually initiated by the Southern Democrat states who wanted slavery to continue as it had. Congressional representatives from southern states bent on maintaining slavery just walked out of congress, packed their bags and went home to start the confederate states. The northern counterparts who also wanted to preserve slavery, decided to remain in the Congress and deal with a Republican majority who wanted slavery abolished. I’ll not go into the whole story here because I would love for you to take the prompting seriously to step up and begin to sincerely take responsibility for your own knowledge by checking it out at the above website.
Today, in one way, we are going through much the same battle, the ultra-liberal progressive arm of the Democrat party is twisting history, facts and events to lead people to believe that we are not who we all know we are: God fearing, freedom loving, free enterprise Americans who want government to get out of our lives rather than continuing to encroach on our liberties. Other Democrats aren’t extreme enough to suit their tastes.
Again we are at a cross roads in America will we sit idly by and watch as our heritage, our foundations and our futures are mangled by the “deconstruction” of those who will do whatever is required to gain and maintain power and control. Or will we once again rise to the call of our Maker and stand for Truth, Justice and Honor by knowing and understanding without equivocation who we are and how we got here?
Knowledge is power and readers are leaders. Please get accurately INFORMED, get actively ENGAGED and thereby actually EMPOWERED! I urge everyone to read what the Texan, Mr. Barton, has spent years documenting for all of us.