Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Arkansas Immigration Law??

The issue of today may be HB 1013. This is one you really need to pay attention to the wording. After all, the majority of Arkansans desire our borders be more secure, that immigration laws be enforced and that businesses be held accountable for who they hire.

However this bill seems to take it a step further and put the onus on Arkansas's General Contractors for who Sub-Contractors might hire. I am not sure how they expect GCs to "control" or even monitor who a private business hires. I guess it could be done if the GC hired a full-time staff to investigate and research all Subs and Sub employees, wonder how privacy laws would impact that. Putting additional regulations on small business owners is certainly not a growth incentive for Arkansas business.

 As I always I encourage you to read this bill for yourself, it is linked above.

HB1013 will be presented to the State Agencies Committee this morning at 10.

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