Fuel Prices Explode
Pump prices jet over $3 a gallon for the first time since Oct 2008.
Trucker's on Stopwatch
On Dec. 23, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued proposed new hours-of-service rules that would require commercial truck drivers to complete all driving within a 14-hour workday, and complete all on-duty work-related activities within 13 hours to allow for at least a one hour break.
Police Officer deaths up 37 percent
Police Officer deaths in America rise 37 percent in 2010. Fifty-nine police officers were killed by gunfire in 2010, while 73 officers died in traffic incidents
Arkansas Highway Dept Crowds the Roads
Evidentially the Arkansas Highway Dept has as the same challenge as the AGFC... excess vehicles.

Public meetings set over Garland County jail plans: HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) — A Garland County official says it i... http://bit.ly/fEQtsB
In LR’s classrooms, chalkboards go digital: With a touch of an icon, a swipe of a hand and the drag of a finger,... http://bit.ly/f38Moa
Blizzard piles 2 feet of snow on Northeast: Thousands of travelers trying to get home after the Christmas weeken... http://bit.ly/gINTd9
$900K in #marijuana found in AR homehttp://bit.ly/glAxgk
Weather causes delays at Little Rock airporthttp://bit.ly/f0s4Ze
Obama: Strongly Approve 28%... Strongly Disapprove 39%... Approval Index: -11... Total Approval: 47%… http://tinyurl.com/preztrack
Just 21% Want FCC to Regulate Internet, Most Fear Regulation Would Promote Political Agenda...http://tinyurl.com/RR4700
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